TALES OF ALUNA is the story of a half-spirit half-human girl, Aluna, and her protector Barabajagal, who inhabit a mysterious and magical Island. The island is an extraordinary remnant of legendary Atlantis that can move around the oceans under its own perplexing power. When a young musician, Fili, and his entourage crash land on the island, Barabajagal fears the intruders are a threat to his home’s ancient heritage and natural harmony. However, Aluna befriends these fascinating people from far across the sea and, in time, they all (well maybe all ...) join and work together together on many daring adventures. Fili and his friends teach Aluna about the modern world outside the Island, while she helps them to survive in hers, by taking care of and harmonising with the natural order of things. With a guest cast of colourful characters and creatures inspired by the songs of Donovan, the series is a delightful romp, full of action and adventure, while Aluna and her protector balance the impact of the human visitors on their island with their love for these new friends. Tales of Aluna is based on an original story by Donovan.