Documentary Production
Budget Ranges
Proportion of Australian documentaries (not including broadcaster-produced titles) by budget range (2021 dollars)
Titles | Series hours
Proportion of documentary titles in various budget ranges
In 2021/22 more single titles (15 mins or over) were produced for less than $500k per hour than in 2020/21 where the number of single titles in the in the over $1m/hr range was at an all-time high of 20%. The biggest year on year change in 2021/22 was is in the $250k - $499k range with 31% of titles, up from 18% in 2020/21 and above the 5-year average of 27%.
For series titles 34% of titles were made in the 500k/hr – 1m/hr range, above the 5-year average of 29%. The number of series in the $250k/hr - $499k/ph range dropped from 49% in 2021/22 to 43%, below the 5-yr average of 45%.