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International Delegations – Documentary Market Travel Support

This program will provide Australian documentary producers or directors, the chance to introduce new documentary work to international distributors, commissioners, and finance and production partners during key international gatherings for the international documentary sector.

In addition to advancing their projects, the opportunity will provide applicants with a chance to hear first-hand about latest finance and audience trends, to further their development, production, funding and marketing objectives, and to solidify and forge new relationships.

available support?

Up to 10 delegates will receive funding of up to $6,000 each towards travel, expenses, market registration and accommodation to attend one of the following four events:

  • World Congress of Science and Factual Producers (9-12 December 2024, Marrakesh, Morocco)  
  • Realscreen Summit (3-7 February 2025, Miami, USA) 
  • CPH: Dox (19-30 March 2025, Copenhagen, Denmark) 
  • Sheffield DocFest (18-23 June 2025, Sheffield, UK)

There is a funding cap of $6,000 per application, whether the applicant is an individual (including on behalf of a team) or a company.

inclusive storytelling?

For Australian screen content to effectively deliver cultural and economic benefits it must speak to, and be for, all Australians. Ultimately a diversity of ideas and a diverse workforce will grow the Australian screen industry, make it more relevant to Australian audiences and more competitive internationally.

Screen Australia is committed to building diversity, equity and inclusion into its programs and into our engagement with the community. Authentic storytelling, from and about under-represented groups is a priority for Screen Australia.

Screen Australia therefore encourages applications from applicants from all backgrounds, cultures and experiences. In particular, the agency welcomes applications from applicants who are First Nations, d/Deaf and disabled, culturally and linguistically diverse, LGBTIQ+, regionally based, or those from other under-represented groups.


applicant eligibility

To be eligible for this program, applicants:  

  • can apply as an individual or company. We cannot accept separate applications from individual members of the same company or team; those applications must either be made via a lead applicant who will be responsible for managing the grant on behalf of the team, or as a company.
  • Individual applicants must be Australian citizens or residents
  • Applicant companies must be incorporated and carrying on business in Australia, and have its central management and control in Australia. 
  • must otherwise meet the requirements of Screen Australia’s Terms of Trade
  • must have documentary credits within the last five years (from 2019) as a lead producer or director on a one-off, series and/or feature with evidence of broadcast (SVOD, BVOD or FTA) and/or theatrical release with demonstrated (or reportable) audience outcomes.  

ineligible applicants

Applicants are not eligible for this program if they are in receipt of Enterprise funding for which their approved budget included funding to any of the four events listed under Available support.

eligible activities

Applicants must demonstrate how they intend to use the travel support to maximise opportunities to foster their project and slate objectives including through attendance at the event of their choosing and any additional meeting activity around the event.

application process 

how to apply 

Applications close 5pm AEST Thursday 24 October 2024 and can be made via the Screen Australia application portal.

required materials

Applicants must upload the following materials with their application form:

  • CV including recent documentary credits and details of commercial success, significant viewership in Australia and if applicable other territories and/or major international festival or awards success.
  • An international pitching proposal (maximum 6 pages) that includes:
  • information about your lead project(s) as well as your further slate of projects that will be pitched at the event, including for each title:
  • the state of development or production;
  • the budget and the currently secured finance; and
  • the currently secured key creative and marketplace attachments or interest, including for those works that are intended as co-productions
  • a detailed proposed meeting list with reasoning and desired outcomes of each meeting.  This should include industry stakeholders such as funders, potential production partners, commissioners and sales agents.  The list could also include strategic meetings at stopovers on the way to or from the chosen event.
  • evidence of any international co-production experience or existing international interest in the projects on your slate.
  • any intended professional development objectives or other goals for the trip.


assessment process

The Program Operations team will review each application to check eligibility and ensure the required application materials have been provided.  Once confirmed, the applicant will receive an email advising that their application has moved to assessment and an estimated timeframe of the outcome.

Complete and eligible applications will be reviewed and assessed by Screen Australia staff members and/or industry specialists.

assessment criteria 

Funding decisions will be made against the following equally-weighted criteria:

  • Pitching strategy. The strength of the pitching strategy as evidenced by the proposed meeting list. 
  • Lead projects and slate.  The strength of the international pitching proposal including the stage of development, suitability, diversity and strength of the nominated productions being put forward for the particular event.
  • International interest. The amount of traction previously received internationally from the applicant’s completed body of work.
  • Experience. The level of experience of the applicant, including experience with commissioning, financing and official co-productions.

assessment priorities

Priority will be given to applicants who have:

  • international co-financing and official co-production experience with completed and reportable credits.
  • credits on documentaries with a proven international broadcast, theatrical or festival release.
  • a robust slate with long-form projects that are suitable and ready to pitch to an international market.
  • not been recipients of International Delegation or International Pitching Events and Talent Labs funding from Screen Australia after 1 October 2023.

Early-mid career producers with a strong domestic track record but without international credits, will be considered if they have a development slate with international ambition.

decision and notification 


Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application in writing by Friday 15 November 2024.

Screen Australia recognises the significant work that goes into the preparation and submission of applications. Due to the anticipated high volume of applicants, we are unable to provide individual feedback on individual applications.

successful applicants


Screen Australia will send an approval via email to successful applicants with information about contracting.

Terms of Support

Successful applicants will enter into an Activity Grant Agreement with Screen Australia. This will set out the terms of Screen Australia’s support.


If you are unsure about your eligibility or have questions about the application form, please email us at [email protected] or call Program Operations on 1800 507 901.

Please note that we are not able to provide creative advice or suggestions to strengthen your application.


Screen Australia collects personal information from individuals in different ways, including via funding applications, acquittal reports, or supporting material supplied with forms. Screen Australia will handle any personal information provided in connection with a funding application in accordance with its Privacy Notice relating to funding applications and its Privacy Policy.