Following the tragic death of his beloved family, Victor Blazenkov is consumed by grief and despair. Driven into the underbelly of the city, Victor is beaten and tormented. Victor puts all of his hatred into developing an elaborate master plan to make the culprit pay for what they did to him. Enter Mark Wilson, a well-known financial strategist who is always hungry for more. Though his professional life is thriving, Mark manages to alienate his family to the point where they are driven to teach Mark a lesson he will never forget. Mark thinks he has it all. The money, the reputation, the cars and the women. However, he is drifting away from his son, Tommy, and his wife Elizabeth who is very well aware of his infidelities. The apprentice, Billy, has been plotting to take Mark’s place as number one after staying in his shadow for years. Concerned that her life is falling to pieces, Elizabeth forms an unlikely affiliation with the person everybody would be least expecting. Will she save her marriage and her family?