Celebrating 2019 + 2020 preview
In this video we celebrate just a handful of the amazing Aussie stories that hit screens in 2019, and the many more to come in 2020.
Screen Australia provided production funding to 10 films, 17 TV shows, 7 kids shows, 23 online series and over 50 documentaries in 2018/19 alone.

Visit our showcase to catch up on any titles you missed this year, including where to stream, rent or buy them online here
Titles in order of appearance (including duplicates):
- Bluey
- Lambs of God
- The Family Law
- Les Norton
- Ms Fisher’s MODern Murder Mysteries
- Animals
- Sarah’s Channel
- Ride Like A Girl
- Judy & Punch
- Bad Mothers
- Total Control
- The Family Law
- Ms Fisher’s MODern Murder Mysteries
- The Hunting
- Five Bedrooms
- Lambs of God
- The Letdown
- Seachange
- Bluey
- The Inbestigators
- Les Norton
- Upright
- I Am Mother
- Top End Wedding
- The Nightingale
- Judy & Punch
- Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan
- Palm Beach
- Hotel Mumbai
- Storm Boy
- Emu Runner
- Little Monsters
- Buoyancy
- Ride Like A Girl
- The Australian Dream
- Love on the Spectrum
- Bodyhack
- Every Family Has A Secret
- Beyond the Boundary
- Magical Land of Oz
- Country Pride
- Australia in Colour
- Employable Me
- Martha: A Picture Story
- Mystify
- 2040
- Robbie Hood
- Parked
- Beached Aziversary
- Over and Out
- Squinters
- Australia’s Best Street Racer
- Where the River Runs Red
- Content
- Glennridge Secondary College
- Phi and Me
- Sarah’s Channel
- Meta Runner
- True History of the Kelly Gang
- Babyteeth
- Miss Fisher & The Crypt of Tears
- Go!
- Revelation
- The Commons
- I Am Woman
- The Beach
- H is for Happiness
- The Gloaming
- Fallout
- Hungry Ghosts
- Stateless
- Dirt Music
- Mystery Road
- I Met A Girl
- Firestater – The Story of Bangarra
- Measure for Measure
- Top End Wedding
- The Family Law
- Little Monsters
- 2040