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Hong Kong International Film Festival

All genres

Run by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society, a non-profit and not-government organisation, it is about making world cinema accessible to the public. The festival is accompanied by the Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF).

The programme comprises features, documentaries and animation.


2015 - Nominated - Charlie's Country - SIGNIS Award


2025 - Kaleidoscope - Animation Unlimited - Memoir of a Snail

2024 - Global Vision - World Cinema - Shayda

2022 - Cinephile Paradise Gala Presentation - Nitram

2022 - Documentary Competition Firebird Awards - Plains, The

2022 - Poetry In Motion Kaleidoscope - In and Out a Window

2021 - World Animation for Adults - GNT

2019 - Short Film Competition - Programme II - All These Creatures

2017 - Global Vision - Tanna

2016 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - SPEAR

2016 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Women He's Undressed

2014 - Gala Presentation - Tim Winton's The Turning

2014 - Master Class - Top of the Lake series 1

2013 - Global Vision - Sapphires, The

2013 - Short Film Competition Programme I - Man Who Could Not Dream, The

2012 - Global Vision - Snowtown

2012 - Global Vision - Wish You Were Here

2011 - Gala Presentation - Animal Kingdom

2011 - Global Vision - Wasted on the Young

2011 - Filmmakers and Filmmaking - Machete Maidens Unleashed!

2011 - Short Film Competition Programme IV - Kiss, The

2010 - Gala Presentation - Bright Star

2010 - Short Film Competition Programme I - Red Earth

2010 - Global Vision - My Year Without Sex

2010 - Midnight Heat - Loved Ones, The

2010 - World Animation II - Not-So-Great Eugene Green, The

2009 - Animation Unlimited - $9.99

2009 - World Cinema - Disgrace

2009 - Filmmakers & Filmmaking - Not Quite Hollywood

2008 - Animation Unlimited - Sweet & Sour

2008 - Asian Film Awards - Home Song Stories, The

2008 - Global Vision - Son Of A Lion

2008 - Reality Bites - Glass: A Portrait of Philip in Twelve Parts

2008 - Animation Unlimited - Girl Who Swallowed Bees, The

2007 - Global Vision - Suburban Mayhem

2007 - Gala Presentation - Jindabyne

2006 - Closing Film - Candy

2005 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Ward 13

2005 - Global Vision - Somersault

2005 - Humanitarian Award for Documentaries - Letters to Ali

2003 - Reality Bites - Wedding in Ramallah, A

2002 - Gala Presentation - Lantana

2002 - In the Shadow of War - Shadow Play: Indonesia's Forgotten Holocaust

2002 - Reality Bites - Much Ado About Something

2002 - Global Vision - Walking On Water

2002 - In the Shadow of War - Diplomat, The

2001 - Documentaries East and West - Orientations: Chris Doyle, Stirred Not Shaken

2001 - Gala Presentation - Goddess of 1967, The

2000 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Holy Smoke

1999 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - I Want You

1999 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Praise

1999 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Terra Nova

1998 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Virtual Memory is Running Low

1997 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Life

1996 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Angel Baby

1995 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Only The Brave

1995 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Muriel's Wedding

1995 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Eternity

1995 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Hero, The

1994 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Wormholes

1994 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - This Won't Hurt A Bit!

1994 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Last Man Hanged, The

1994 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Frauds

1994 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Tenth Dancer, The

1994 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Blackfellas

1994 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Memories and Dreams

1993 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - When Mrs Hegarty Comes to Japan

1993 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Senso Daughters (senso No Onnatchi)

1993 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Romper Stomper

1992 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Proof

1992 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Good Woman Of Bangkok, The

1992 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Puppenhead

1992 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - House of Cards

1991 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Aya

1991 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Space Between the Door and the Floor, The

1991 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Night Cries - A Rural Tragedy

1991 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Wonderful World of Dogs, The

1990 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Malpractice

1990 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Sweetie

1989 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Year My Voice Broke, The

1989 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Shame

1989 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Song Of Air, A

1989 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Rabbit On The Moon

1989 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Ghosts...of the Civil Dead

1989 - International Cinema - Cane Toads: An Unnatural History

1988 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Travelling North

1988 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Pandamonium

1987 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Backlash

1987 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Two Friends

1986 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Couldn't Be Fairer

1986 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Half Life

1986 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Wrong World

1985 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Silver City

1985 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - Grendel Grendel Grendel

1985 - Hong Kong International Film Festival - My First Wife