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Historical data
Focus on PDV
Trends by state

Number of PDV businesses, income and employment by state, 1996/97, 1999/00, 2002/03 and 2006/07

Next update to be advised

Number of businesses | Income | Employment

Number of businesses

In 2006/07, of a total of 497 PDV businesses in Australia, over two-thirds (364) were based in NSW, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Service Industry Survey. Significant non-employing businesses (i.e. those with an annual turnover of at least $70,000) were included for the first time, comprising 147 businesses or 29.6 per cent of the national total.



NSW businesses had the greatest share of total income earned by the PDV sector in 2006/07 ($288 million or 64.9 per cent of total), followed by Victoria and Queensland. Significant non-employing businesses (i.e. those with an annual turnover of at least $70,000) were included for the first time, comprising 147 businesses or 4.8 per cent of the national total income.



As of the end of June 2007, NSW was the largest employer in the PDV sector, followed by Victoria and Queensland. Significant non-employing businesses (i.e. those with an annual turnover of at least $70,000) were included for the first time, comprising 147 businesses or 5.6 per cent of the national employment total; by definition, these were working proprietors and partners.
