Historical Data
Focus on PDV
Operating expenditure
Operating expenditure of PDV businesses, 1996/97, 1999/00, 2002/03 and 2006/07
Next update to be advised
Operating expenditure of PDV businesses was $395.6 million in 2006/07, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Service Industry Survey, and accounted for 21.3 per cent of the entire expenditure of the film and video production and post-production services industry ($1,857.4 million).
To learn more about overall industry expenditure, see Business trends > Income and expenditure.
Labour costs (42.2 per cent) were again the major operating expense for PDV businesses in 2006/07 while spending on purchases has more than halved as a proportion of total expenditure since 2002/03 (from 20.2 per cent to 9.9 per cent). This may be due to the implementation of digital technologies, which dramatically reduce reliance on physical tape stock.