Historical data
Focus on PDV
People employed
Employment by PDV businesses, 1996/97–2006/07
Next update to be advised
Number employed: 2006/07 | 2002/03 | 1999/00 | 1996/97
Wages and salaries comparison
There were 2,971 people employed by PDV businesses in Australia at the end of June 2007, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Service Industry Survey.
Even taking into account the inclusion of non-employing businesses for the first time (which contributed an extra 5.6 per cent, allocated to working proprietors and partners), this is still an increase on 2002/03.
PDV businesses accounted for 21.5 per cent of total employment in the industry in 2006/07 and employed a much higher proportion of permanent full-time employees (55.4 per cent compared to the industry average of 31.9 per cent).
Men represented 68.6 per cent of the workforce in PDV businesses in 2006/07, slightly above the average for the film and video production and post-production industry as a whole (62.1 per cent).