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    • Screen Australia announces Diversity in TV drama study

      Local TV content is hugely popular with audiences and plays a vital role in informing the ways we think about ourselves and each other, but do our TV dramas reflect the diversity of Australia today?

      17 Mar 2016
      By Screen Australia
    • Mad Max: Fury Road dominates technical Oscars®

      Mad Max: Fury Road roared away from the Academy Awards with six awards – the most trophies won by any movie on the night and Australia’s most successful film at the Oscars® in history.

      01 Mar 2016
      By Screen Australia
    • Australia Youtube hit Starting from... Now! makes jump to TV

      Starting From... Now! screens on SBS 2 after its world premiere at the Queer Screen Mardi Gras Film Festival in March.

      19 Feb 2016
      By Screen Australia
    • Mel Gibson joins Tropfest judging panel

      Hoping to give an emerging Australian filmmaker their big break at Tropfest, the revived short film festival has announced the Oscar-winner will be one of this year’s judges.

      11 Feb 2016
      By Screen Australia
    • Aunty Donna 1999 - Episode 1

      An absurdist sketch web series loosely following a professional business in the lead up to New Year’s Eve 2000, as the employees prepare for the dreaded and unfathomable Y2K.

      11 Feb 2016
      By Screen Australia
    • Director's Attachment announced on Ridley Scott's Alien: Covenant

      The Australian Directors Guild (ADG) and Screen Australia today announced a director’s attachment for Ridley Scott’s upcoming feature Alien: Covenant that is filming in Australia in 2016.

      08 Feb 2016
      By Screen Australia
    • Announcing the Next Step Indigenous Screen Business Fellowship

      Screen Australia has announced funding of up to $400,000 toward the targeted initiative.

      05 Feb 2016
      By Screen Australia
    • Latest development news

      Find out who are the latest Story Development and Talent Development funding recipients. Read up also on who the Hot Shots short filmmaking teams are, and what's coming up for our exciting new Family Films Initiative. 

      03 Feb 2016
      By Screen Australia
    • Call for applications: Hot Docs delegation

      Screen Australia to host a delegation at Hot Docs in Toronto.

      01 Feb 2016
      By Screen Australia
    • Sucker’s con men and card tricks

      Comedian Lawrence Leung has turned his one man show, Sucker, into a feature film starring YouTube sensation John Luc and veteran actor Timothy Spall.

      13 Jan 2016
      By Screen Australia
    • Happy Birthday Flickerfest

      Flickerfest kicks off its 25th year on Friday 8 January.

      06 Jan 2016
      By Screen Australia
    • $2.9 million towards documentaries that inform and entertain

      Screen Australia will give six documentary filmmaking teams $2.9 millions of funding as part of the Documentary Broadcast program.

      23 Dec 2015
      By Screen Australia