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Find Australian stories anytime, anywhere with new Where to Watch feature

Screen Australia launches Where to Watch feature on the Screen Australia website.

The Screen Australia website is home to a wealth of information and data including The Screen Guide where users can search for Australian film, television, VOD titles and games. To further support Australian audiences to discover Australian titles, Screen Australia has implemented a content discovery function – Where to Watch – that will allow users to find Australian content anywhere in the world. The widget will help users to find local and international cinema session times and streaming opportunities for over 2500 Australian titles.

COO Screen Australia Grainne Brunsdon said, "We are committed to ensuring that our bold and distinctive Australian screen stories are celebrated at home and also discoverable on a global stage. Our new 'Where to Watch' feature is designed to bridge the gap between audiences and Australian content, making it easier than ever to find and enjoy our stories no matter where you are in the world. We invite you to explore this exciting new tool and share your feedback as we work to support and elevate Australian screen content globally."

Discover live cinema listings where you can book tickets for the newest Australian films in your local area - or watch old favourites at home with available streaming and on demand platforms in your country.

The program is in a trial phase for the next 12 months as we test its functionality. The database of film and television on the platform is constantly being updated and Screen Australia invites you to provide feedback via [email protected]  

For more information on the Where to Watch program, see Scope below.


Where to Watch is a discoverability widget added to the Screen Guide available on the Screen Australia Website. The Screen Guide is an online database of Australian* and co-production^ titles and games, including where possible - the cast, key creative crew, production company and sales agent information.


In the initial trial period, a limited number of titles listed in the Screen Guide will feature the Where to Watch widget. The curated titles included in the test are the most searched for titles based on the current Screen Guide, and include selections from documentary, feature film, television, and online content.

The Screen Guide includes Australian drama and documentary projects as follows:

  • *Australian productions - Projects under Australian creative control (i.e. where the elements are predominantly Australian and the project was originated and developed by Australians). Includes projects with these characteristics which are 100 per cent foreign financed.
  • ^Co-productions - Co-productions where creative control is shared between Australian and foreign partners, and where there is a mix of Australian and foreign elements in the creative positions. This includes projects made under the Official Co-production Program, i.e. through an agreement between the Australian Government and a similar authority or government of another country.

For more information as to titles included in the Screen Guide, check out our Screen Guide FAQ.


During this trial phase, and due to the volume of historical content, only newly released titles will feature the Where to Watch widget.

If you have a title released after August 2024, you can add details via the Screen Guide here.