Historical Data
Business trends
By state
Number of businesses, total income, employment levels, wages and salaries in the film and video production and post-production services industry, by state; 2002/03, 2006/07 and earlier data
Next update to be advised
2006/07 | 2002/03 | Earlier data
NSW remains the dominant state for film and video production and post-production, accounting for 63.6 per cent of total industry income and 49.3 per cent of employment, according to the 2006/07 Australian Bureau of Statistics Service Industry Survey.
Victoria is second in terms of income (20.2 per cent) while Queensland is slightly ahead of Victoria in terms of total number employed (22 per cent as opposed to 21.4 per cent).
In 2002/03 the ABS changed the way it reported industry income and employment by state. Data is now assigned according to the state or states in which a business had a physical site rather than the state in which the business's head office was located, as was the case in previous surveys. In 2006/07 further changes were made to include significant non-employing businesses. Some 2002/03 figures have been revised accordingly; however, state breakdowns have not. Historical comparisons are, therefore, problematic.