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The Screen Guide

In the early 1990's, a little known Japanese samurai/detective series was syndicated to public access TV in Australia and became a cult success. In Japan, it was titled 'Ronin Suiri Tentai' (roughly translating to Deductive Reasoning Ronin'), but soon came to be known in the West as 'Top Knot Detective'. Takashi couldn't act. He couldn't fight. He had no idea how to write a TV show. But through various underworld connections, he had the money to make himself into a star...or so he thought. Ronin Suiri Tentai tells the story of Sheimasu Tantei, an Edo era police officer turned ronin/private detective on a never-ending road to vengeance after being framed for the murder of his Master. Along the way he would fight ninjas, samurai, yakuza and (because Takashi didn't know how to write a TV show) aliens, monsters, more ninjas, demons, robots, time travelling baseball players and the occasional go-go dancer. TOP KNOT DETECTIVE is the documentary that digs into the deeper truths of what REALLY happened...

Cast & Crew & Production Details

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Aaron McCann  Dominic Pearce
Aaron McCann  Dominic Pearce
Lauren Brunswick
Dir. of Photography
A.J. Coultier
Steve Hughes
Production Designer
Matthew Willemsen
Toshi Okuzaki - Masa Yamaguchi - Mayu Iwasaki - Des Mangan - Guitar Wolf
Production Completion
Comedy, Mystery
Production Company
Blue Forest Media Pty Ltd
Australian Sales
Umbrella Entertainment Pty Ltd
International Sales
Third Window Films

Screen Australia Supported

  • Production support

Selected Awards & Festivals