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The Screen Guide


Zane Pinner

Zane Pinner is a writer, actor and animator who has worked in a variety of roles across the Australian screen industry. Along with performing in several feature films and documentaries, he was the post-production editor on five animated television series for Blue Rocket Productions including ‘Pixel Pinkie’ (2007), ‘Fanshaw and Crudnut’ (2015) and ‘Dumbots’ (2018). He was also the head of Post-production on the telemovie ‘Attack of the Slug Santas’ (2018). His feature film script ‘The Cyclone Engine’ was selected for the Ignite Script Development program (2009) and he is the author of several novels.

Website: http://studioluckdragon.com/

IMDB: https://m.imdb.com/name/nm3509765/

Last updated: 07 Nov 2022

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