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The Screen Guide


Chris Hilton

Chris Hilton is one of Australia’s most prolific and award-winning producers who has made films and television across a broad spectrum of genres with many of the world’s major broadcast platforms and distributors. Previously co-founder and CEO of the Essential Media Group and a founding partner and managing director of Hilton Cordell Productions, Chris has financed, executive produced, produced or directed over 500 hours of content from feature films and television drama through feature docs, true crime and CGI driven series for broadcast clients including Disney, Fox, Discovery, National Geographic, ViacomCBS, A&E Networks, PBS, BBC, Channel Four and Arté France as well as all Australian television networks.

Website: https://www.tilt-media.com/

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1374130/

Last updated: 25 Jul 2024

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