Review of Interactive games AND multiplatform funding
draft guidelines for comment
On 15 February 2013, following extensive industry consultation, Screen Australia released draft guidelines for a suite of new interactive and multiplatform programs which incorporate Federal Government funding through the Interactive Games Fund, as well as funding previously provided through the agency's former multi-platform programs.
With $20 million for games, Screen Australia will commit more than $30 million over the next three years. The agency proposes to distribute funding in the first 12 months as follows:
- $4–5 million through Games Production, supporting games developers to produce individual games
- $2–3 million through Games Enterprise, supporting games development businesses to develop and enhance their sustainability, as well as fund ongoing development of their games projects
- $2–3 million through Multiplatform Drama Production, supporting individual multi-platform drama projects including innovative broadcast and online projects; targeted funds will also support multi-platform extensions for appropriate Screen Australia-funded film and television projects
- up to $2 million through Signature Documentary, expanded with an additional $500,000 to incorporate interactive and multi-platform projects as well as distinctive linear projects, supporting bold documentary storytelling for online and mobile platforms as well as big screen film festivals
- approximately $400,000 for sector development and special initiatives.
Download draft guidelines
The draft guidelines were open for comment until Friday 1 March 2013.
We released final guidelines on 11 March 2013, with application deadlines for each program as follows:
- Signature Documentary (inc multi-platform production): 22 March
- Multiplatform Drama Production: 12 April
- Games Enterprise: 22 April
- Games Production: 12 July
Consultation background
Screen Australia’s Interactive Games Fund Industry Consultation provided valuable input into the draft guidelines for the new programs. The consultation consisted of public forums in Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne, an interactive webinar, an online discussion board and discussion on social media platforms. More than 30 individual submissions were also received. Screen Australia consulted Perth-based developers via teleconference and conducted one-on-one meetings with a diverse range of game development businesses. Screen Australia also sought the advice of the Games Developers’ Association of Australia.
The draft guidelines seek to achieve a balance between the competing needs and interests of the games sector, in particular between encouraging innovation and managing risk and between fostering emerging talent and assisting established businesses to expand and diversify.
Points of consensus to emerge from the consultation included the priority of supporting original Australian projects with a clear creative vision and target market, encouraging business models that expand audience reach and revenue, and the importance of mentorships, job creation, skill development and renewal. All of these points have been built into the assessment criteria for the funding programs.
Download our Guidelines backgrounder, which sets out the key features of the programs shaped in response to industry feedback.