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31 10 2023 - Media release

Screen Australia and NITV announce Journey Home - David Gulpilil


Writer/director/producers Maggie Miles and Trisha Morton-Thomas, and producer Jida Gulpilil

Screen Australia and National Indigenous Television (NITV) are proud to announce the commission of a new Australian documentary Journey Home – David Gulpilil.

David Gulpilil, a Yolŋu man of the Mandhalpuyngu clan, was one of Australia’s most outstanding Indigenous actors. Since his 1971 debut in Nicholas Roeg’s film Walkabout he mesmerised audiences, appearing in over eighteen films including Storm Boy, The Tracker, Ten Canoes, My Name is Gulpilil, Rabbit-Proof Fence, Australia, Crocodile Dundee and The Last Wave. With a career spanning over 50 years, Gulpilil’s contribution to the Australian film industry and profound legacy is part of the history of both Australian cinema and its representation of Indigenous Australians.

Journey Home – David Gulpilil, is the story of Gulpilil’s journey home after his passing in 2021, back to his birthplace, the centrepiece of which is his Bäpurru ceremony in Marwuyu near the Arafura Swamp and the remote community of Ramingining, Eastern Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Premiering on NITV and SBS On Demand in 2024, this remarkable feature length documentary special is a rare insight into a powerful ceremony of renewal and regeneration and is told completely from the Yolŋu perspective, from the perspective of his family. Written and directed by Maggie Miles and Trisha Morton Thomas, this extraordinary event, marking Gulpilil’s return to the earth, the completion of his life cycle, draws a direct line between the contemporary world of international fame and 60,000 years of Indigenous culture.

Screen Australia's Head of Documentary Alex West said, “This powerful documentary provides a unique perspective into Gulpilil’s final journey to rest. Made with the participation of David’s family and community who want to share their ceremonies of grieving, renewal and regeneration for one of Australia’s greatest First Nations actors.”

NITV Commissioning Editor, Marissa McDowell said, “We are honoured to share the story of David Gulpilil’s journey home in this beautiful documentary. A stalwart in Australian cinema, Gulpilil is a staunch reminder of the importance of Indigenous representation onscreen. Journey Home shares an important and intimate part of Yolŋu culture with all Australians as part of Gulpilil’s continuing legacy.”

Screen Territory’s Director Jennie Hughes said, “Screen Territory is proud to support Journey Home, a film that documents a significant moment not only for the Northern Territory but for the nation. Australian actor David Gulpilil was and remains an iconic figure, and as he is poignantly returned to his homeland and his Yolŋu roots this film represents and preserves a vital piece of our shared Australian heritage by celebrating and honouring the rich tapestry and culture that shape and inform our nation's stories. Journey Home promises to be a film that honours the importance of ongoing cultural connection and which will celebrate the timeless legacy of one of Australia's greatest actors.”

VicScreen CEO, Caroline Pitcher said, “David Gulpilil was globally renowned as one of Australia’s finest actors, with his portfolio of work leaving a lasting impact on the Australian screen industry. In collaboration with David’s family, we are proud to support this beautiful documentary of David’s journey home. The remarkable insight into Yolŋu culture and the renewal and regeneration ceremony will be an honour for all audiences.”

Production Credit: Journey Home is a Savage Films, Brindle Films and Savage Films NT production for NITV. Principal production funding from Screen Australia in association with Screen Territory and VicScreen. Local distribution by Madman Entertainment. Developed with assistance of Screen Australia, VicScreen and Screen Territory.

Journey Home – David Gulpilil will premiere on NITV and SBS On Demand in 2024.


Milly Palmer

0406 348 248 | [email protected]

Hannah Lambert

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