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For the latest information please see the WCSFP website.

World Congress of Science and Factual Producers

Marrakesh, Morocco | FACTUAL


The World Congress of Science and Factual Producers (WCSFP) is a member-run organisation that represents science and other factual producers and broadcasters around the world.


WCSFP welcomes hundreds of leading international broadcasters and producers each year and has become a must-attend event for those working in specialist factual television.

WCSFP features an outstanding three-day program of workshops, networking events, pitch sessions and panels that will reveal emerging content trends and highlight important industry issues. Broadcast company attendees from previous years include: ABC TV, ARTE, BBC, CBC, Channel 4, Channel 5, Discovery Channel US, Discovery Channel Canada, Discovery Science, France 5, National Geographic Int., NDR, NHK, Rai, Thirteen/WNET and WGBH.

WCSFP is a not-for-profit, member-run organisation dedicated to celebrating the best in specialist factual production. WCSFP is held worldwide. Past congresses have been held in Tokyo (2019), Brisbane (2018), San Francisco (2017) Stockholm (2016), Vienna (2015), Hong Kong (2014), Montréal (2013) and Washington D.C. (2012). For further informaion please visit the WCSFP website.

Attendee tips

  • "In preparation, I produced a summary leaflet with information on my slate all on one piece of paper."
  • "As is so often the case at conferences and festivals, it was the unexpected and spontaneous encounters that were probably the most valuable in the long term."
  • "I did find the range of broadcasters and sales agents in attendance rather limited; and had expected to have twice as many meetings with sales agents."
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