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For the latest information please visit the Marché du Film website.


France | Features

13 May 2025
21 May 2025

The Cannes Film Festival is the biggest and most important celebration of cinema on the annual festival calendar and a unique opportunity to build a network of international film industry professionals. 

Let us know you’re going

If you are planning to attend Cannes this year, please send the following information to [email protected] for you and each of your colleagues:

This way you can be kept up to date with office hours and other messages in lead up to the event.

Find us at Cannes

Level 3
Le Gray d’Albion
4 rue des Serbes
Cannes 6400

Enter at 4 Rue des Serbes, turn right once inside the building, and the elevator to the 3rd floor is on the left (or just follow the signs once you get to 4 Rue des Serbes)

Meeting tables at the Office

Meetings tables are available at Screen Australia’s office. Priority is given to key creatives with films screening in Cannes, and those with a track record of commercially released and internationally recognised long form Australian content. These facilities are only available to Australian-based citizens or permanent residents.

Please make sure you check the opening times of the office below to make sure you only set meetings at this space within those.

As there is often a high demand for these tables, we recommend that you set some of your meetings in other locations throughout the market – such as the casual areas in the Palais, at sales agents’ offices, the many cafes, and great outdoor areas that hotels offer like Mondrian (previously The Grand) and other popular meeting spots.

Date Office Hours
Tuesday 13 May 9.00am – 5.30pm
Wednesday 14 May 10:30am – 5.30pm
Thursday 15 May 10.30am – 5.30pm
Friday 16 May 9:00am – 5.30pm
Saturday 17 May 9:00am – 5.30pm
Sunday 18 May 3:00pm – 5.30pm (office will be closed in morning for private function)
Monday 19 May 9:00am – 5.30pm
Tuesday 20 May 9:00am – 5.30pm
Wednesday 21 May 9:00am – 12.00pm (midday)

The above times could change and if so, we will advise via email closer to the event. You should also check the signage at the office for the final opening times on the ground.

Prepare for market

Our 2025 Guide to Cannes provides an overview of the festival, market, accreditation requirements, useful contact details and tips for first-timers. Our latest International Sales Agent Directory can help with your market preparations and please make sure you use your Marché du Film registration to also check Cinando for further up-to-date contact information on who is attending Cannes to set up other appropriate meetings.

This Cannes podcast provides insights and takeaways from the 2023 festival/market as well as some valuable tips for new attendees.

Attendee Tips

  • "It is important to have a clear aim of what one wishes to achieve from your meetings and not to overload the meetings with multiple projects."
  • "We only managed to set up three meetings before leaving Australia, but we had a clear idea of who we wanted to see and were able to hone in on these people within several days of arriving. Many sales agents were too busy in the first three days to arrange a meeting, but we kept at it and had secured them all by the end of the first weekend."
  • "It’s better to have one good meeting than 40 bad ones. Seeing most people is not as good as seeing the best people for your projects. Make notes after every meeting otherwise it all becomes a muddle."
  • "The Producer’s Network is a great way to give each day a structure and make you feel relevant in the insanity of selling, to network, to gain access to companies through roundtables and to feel a sense of belonging."
  • "Don’t expect any real results first time around. The first market is a big learning curve and really is sink or swim."
This information is to be used as a guide only and is of a general nature. Screen Australia has undertaken all reasonable measures to ensure its accuracy and specifically disclaims any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly of the use and application of any of the contents. Exact registration details are available on the market website.