Crediting Screen Australia
If you have received funding from Screen Australia or its predecessor agencies, your funding agreement will set out the requirements for publicly acknowledging this support.
A more expansive guide to credit requirements for completed works is available here. If you have questions, contact your Investment Manager (on-screen credits including trailers) or the Communications Department (media material, advertising).
Before the completion of the titles of the film, the producer must provide the full credit roll in writing to the Screen Australia Investment Manager for approval of Screen Australia's credits.
Using the logo
The logo must only be used to acknowledge Screen Australia support as required by your funding agreement, or otherwise only with Screen Australia’s express permission.
As an Australian Government statutory authority, Screen Australia must co-brand with the Australian Government. The Screen Australia logo therefore has two components – the Australian Government coat of arms, and the Screen Australia elements – all of which must be used as a single graphic item.
Colour: The logo is available in both black & white and as a coloured version. Where colour is available, please use the prescribed coloured version.
Size: Two styles are available depending on the size required for the logo to be reproduced.
Please note: if you have received funding through the First Nations Department, you should also display the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags in association with the Screen Australia logo. Contact the First Nations Department for more information.
Large – for use GREATER THAN 12mm
Where the height of the logo will be greater than 12mm, you must use the ‘large’ style, which has the words ‘Screen Australia’ inside the mark:

Small – for use less THAN 12mm
Where the height of the logo will be less than 12mm, you must use the ‘small’ style, which has the words ‘Screen Australia’ outside the mark:

Please use the Screen Australia logo only in the formats provided.
It is important NOT to:
- tilt or obscure it
- rearrange the design elements
- crop or edit it
- use multiple colours
- distort the logo's shape in width or height
- frame it
- add additional text or design elements
- construct the logo yourself from its component parts.
If you have questions about logo use, please email Publications.
For Screen Australia-funded productions, the ident must appear as per the contracted credit requirements. The ident must not be altered in any way and must always be used with sound.
Standard HD
- Standard HD resolution (1920x1080)
- 5.1 sound
- L/R channels occupy the first two tracks
- Rec709 colorspace
- 25 frames per second
- A preview h.264 quicktime is supplied for easy reference. It should not be used in production.
Download or .mp4 preview
Ultra HD
- Ultra HD resolution (3840x2160)
- 5.1 sound
- L/R channels occupy the first two tracks
- Rec709 colorspace
- 24 frames per second
- A preview h.264 quicktime is supplied for easy reference. It should not be used in production.
Download or .mp4 preview
- 2k DCI full gate resolution (2048x1556)
- Sound supplied as separate 5.1 audio
- AlexaV3LogC colorspace (graded under rec709)
- 10bit file format
- 24 frames per second
- A preview h.264 quicktime is supplied for easy reference. It should not be used in production.
Download or .mp4 preview (view PDF for technical information)
- 4k DCI full gate resolution (4096x3112)
- Sound supplied as separate 5.1 audio
- AlexaV3LogC colorspace (graded under rec709)
- 10bit file format
- 24 frames per second
- A preview h.264 quicktime is supplied for easy reference. It should not be used in production.
Download or .mp4 preview (view PDF for technical information)