Investment & slate management principles
In an environment where the Producer Offset provides the primary means of Government support for projects with commercial potential, Screen Australia's investment and slate management principles are governed by its enabling legislation, the Screen Australia Act 2008, to:
"ensure the development of a diverse range of Australian programs that deal with matters of national interest or importance to Australians, or that illustrate or interpret aspects of Australia or the life and activities of Australian people."
In this context, and given the need to allocate its limited funds fairly and effectively, Screen Australia proposes to manage its television drama and documentary slates in collaboration with producers and broadcasters, according to the following principles:
- Consultation with producers and broadcasters about the year’s slate and upcoming priorities
- Recognition of broadcaster expertise in connecting with audiences as part of the broadcaster's commissioning process
- Reserving the right to make investment decisions based on published criteria that reflect the requirements of the Screen Australia Act, including placing an emphasis on programs with a high level of artistic and cultural merit and promoting the development of commercially focused screen production businesses.
Screen Australia anticipates working productively with broadcasters and producers, based on these principles. Where broadcasters need to prioritise projects due to the limits on Screen Australia’s funding, consideration should be given to Screen Australia's investment decision criteria for the relevant program.