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    • Applications open for placements on Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio

      Screen Australia’s Enterprise People program presents an opportunity for two specialist creatives to undertake a six month placement with Wooden Boy Productions in Portland, Oregon, USA working on Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio.

      24 Jul 2019
      By Screen Australia
    • Best practice when selling rights

      An analysis of three years of sales and distribution deals.

      24 Jul 2019
      By Screen Australia
    • New requirements for PDV work completed in Australia

      From today, Producer Offset Final Certificate applicants will be required to expressly declare PDV work completed in Australia.

      08 Jul 2019
      By Screen Australia
    • Reversion to cease for legacy agency titles

      Producers have until 20 December 2019 to apply to acquire Screen Australia’s recoupment entitlement for all pre-1 January 2009 production investments.

      01 Jul 2019
      By Screen Australia
    • New Upcoming Productions Report

      From June 2019, our Upcoming Production Reports are web-based.

      14 Jun 2019
      By Screen Australia
    • Screen Australia’s Code of Conduct replaced by Industry Code from 1 July 2019

      Projects that are approved for Screen Australia production funding from 1 July 2019 will be subject to the SPA/MEAA Australian Screen Industry Code of Practice: Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Bullying (‘Screen Industry Code of Practice’).

      11 Jun 2019
      By Screen Australia
    • Call out: Indigenous Producer Program

      Screen Australia’s Indigenous Department is calling for applications for the third iteration of the Indigenous Producer Program aimed at developing Indigenous screen producers.

      29 May 2019
      By Screen Australia
    • Venice selector in Australia

      Screen Australia will host Venice Film Festival (La Biennale di Venezia) pre-selector Paolo Bertolin to view new eligible feature films.

      27 May 2019
      By Screen Australia
    • Applications open for Rideback USA Placements

      Screen Australia’s Enterprise People program presents an opportunity for up to two screen creatives to undertake a six month placement at Rideback in Los Angeles.

      08 May 2019
      By Screen Australia
    • PEP 2018/19 funds exhausted

      Effective immediately, Screen Australia will cease processing applications for the Producer Equity Program (PEP) for the remainder of the 2018/19 financial year.

      17 Apr 2019
      By Screen Australia
    • Discount for Sunny Side of the Doc

      Screen Australia is pleased to offer Australian producers a reduced registration rate and access to a stand in the marketplace at this year’s Sunny Side of the Doc.

      16 Apr 2019
      By Screen Australia
    • Advice for online creators

      Hear from the creative teams behind some of Australia's most successful YouTube channels who have received a share in over $500k in funding through the Screen Australia and Google funded Skip Ahead Initiative.

      10 Apr 2019
      By Screen Australia